And we're into week 10! This week the Eldar decided to move a bit more defensively, and rightly so because the Chaos used their Dropships going for the Eldar HQ! Meanwhile the Blood Angels saved their Dropships and instead moved up in formation to take one of the Chaos areas. Orks also played defensively, staying back to regroup after their loss last week. So we had what looked like one fight this week! But unfortunately the Eldar player got sick and couldn't make it, and even worse has no time for the coming month or so and thus decided to leave the campaign. But such is life! So we're now half of the original players left, coming closer to the end!
Forging the Narrative
Allright, so interestingly enough the Eldar player dropping off made me realise we have a narrative going on here. So what has happened to far, as we're now at the half way point basically?
An Ork infestation started on the planet which the Adepta Sororitas were guarding. At the same time Chaos forces arrives, the Imperium respons by sending both Blood Angels and Space Wolves. The Eldar with a mysterious motive as always identifies the Chaos threat at once and goes to try and stay their advance. Meanwhile the Orks are assaulting the Adepta Sororitas. Now, why are the Eldar on the planet? They were probably looking for something. It turns out the Adepta Sororitas has this item, but they're not willing to part with it. Thus they come to blows with the Eldar. The Sisters call in the Space Wolves for help though, leaving the Blood Angels to deal with the Black Legion. And while the Eldar crushes the Adepta Sororitas army the Space Wolves sneak away with the Relic (the three way battle from Week 5). The Space Wolves then leaves the planet, presumably with the Relic. But in light of recent events it was probably just a ruse to try and lure the Eldar away from the planet, they however didn't buy it. Meanwhile the Orks are once again assaulting the Sisters of Battle HQ's... probably manipulated to do so by the Eldar in their typical fashion! It turns out that by being weakened by the Eldat the Sisters can't resist and eventually perish to the hands of the Orks. But here's the twist, they still had the Relic and they hid it in their lands. The Eldar are still determined to get the Relic, and thus push towards the Orks. In the end they're able to claim the Relic (Week 9), but while this happens the Black Legion sees a weakness in the Eldar defences and are hungry for revenge... The Eldar, with their usual trickery pretends to respond to this threat but with the Relic in their hands there's no reason to sacrifice any more precious Eldar lives so they simply leave the planet. And suddenly we are left with three invasion armies, the Orks however are content to fight anything. The Blood Angels (who after all have a special hatred for the Black Legion after Horus killed Sanguinious) are determined to see the purging of Chaos done. And Chaos? Well, no reason for this Chaos invasion has yet been seen, so perhaps they still have some goal left to fulfil on this planet...
![]() |
And thus, here is the situation after week 10. The war continues! |
The Lists
+++ Blood Angels +++
Bank: 814-785=64
Income this week: 750
Upgrades this week: Restoring Army 1
+++ Strike Force Delta (2498pts) +++
Upgrades: Dropships
+ HQ +
* Librarian Michelangelo - Librarian
Terminator Armor, Power Staff, Storm Bolter
Character Improvements: -
Current XP:
+ Elites +
* Assault Terminators
4x Assault Terminators
2x Thunder Hammer and Storm shield, 2x Lightning claws
* Ilgast - Terminator Sergeant
Thunder Hammer, Storm Shield
Character Improvements: -
Current XP:
* Librarian Armando - Furiso Librarian
Blood Fist (built-in Storm Bolter), Psychic Hood, Force Weapon
Character Improvements: -
Current XP:
+ Troops +
* Assault Marines
8x Assault Marines
Jump Packs, 1x Meltagun, Chainswords, Bolt Pistols
* Rend - Space Marine Sergeant
Jump Pack, Bolt Pistol, Chainsword, Melta Bombs
Character Improvements: -
Current XP:
* Death Company
8x Death Company
8x Jump Packs 8x Bolt Pistols, 7x Chainswords, Thunder Hammer
* Lemartes, Guardian of the Lost
Jump Pack, Blood Crozius, Rosarius, Bolt Pistol
Character Improvements: -
Current XP: 6
* Tactical Squad
4x Marines
4x Boltguns
* Nedav - Space Marine Sergeant
Bolt Pistol, Chain Sword
* Death Company Dreadnought
2x Blood Talons, Storm Bolter, Meltagun
+ Fast Attack +
* Baal Predator
Twin-linked Assault Cannon
* Baal Predator
Twin-linked Assault Cannon
* Baal Predator
Twin-linked Assault Cannon
+ Heavy Support +
* Storm Raven Gunship
Twin-linked Heavy Bolter, Twin-linked Lascannon, 4x Bloodstrike Missiles, Ceramite Plating, Searchlight
* Dreadnought
Twin-linked Lascannon, Missile Launcher
Demolisher Cannon, Storm Bolter, Dozer Blade
+++ Strike Force Beta (2138pts) +++
+ HQ +
* Captain Iacopo - Captain
Boltgun, Power sword
Character Improvements: -
Current XP:
+ Elites +
* Assault Terminators
4x Assault Terminators
2x Thunder Hammer, Storm Shield, 2x Lightning claws
* Tar - Terminator Sergeant
Thunder Hammer, Storm Shield
Character Improvements: -
Current XP:
Dedicated transport Landraider Redeemer
Twin-linked Assault Cannon, 2xFlamestorm Cannons, Multimelta
* Chaplain Benedetto - Chaplain
Jump pack, Crozius Arcanum, Bolt pistol, melta bombs
Character Improvements: -
Current XP:
+ Troops +
* Death Company
Power Fist, Plasma Pistol, Thunderhammer, 6xBolt Pistols, 7xChainswords
* Tactical Squad
9xTactical marines
7xBolters, Missile launcher, flamer
* Benedetto - Space Marine Sergeant
Bolt Pistol, Chain Sword
Character Improvements: -
Current XP:
Dedicated transport Drop Pod, Storm Bolter
* Tactical Squad
9xTactical marines
7xBolters, Meltagun, Multimelta
* Stefano - Space Marine Sergeant
Bolt Pistol, Chain Sword
Character Improvements: -
Current XP:
Dedicated transport Drop Pod, Storm Bolter
+ Fast Attack +
* Baal Predator
Twin-linked Assault Cannon
* Baal Predator
Twin-linked Assault Cannon
+ Heavy Support +
* Storm Raven Gunship
Twin-linked Heavy Bolter, Twin-linked Lascannon, 4x Bloodstrike Missiles, Ceramite Plating, Searchlight
* Devastator Squad
7xSpace Marines
Multi-Melta, 2xPlasma Cannon, Lascannon, boltguns, Bolt pistols
Agnolo - Space Marine Sergeant
Chainsword, boltgun, Signum
Character Improvements: -
Current XP:
+++ Tir-Val Punitive Expedition +++
Bank: 98
Latest income: 1050
Purchases: Jetbike, Special Training (Warp Spiders) x2
++ Mon'keigh Thelios [Inferior Race Absence] (2500pts) ++
++ Objective Secured ++
+ HQ +
+Autarch Sial Eihk [Near To Pity]: Shard of Anaris; Mantle of the Laughing God; Jet-bike; Banshee mask; fusion gun 180
Character Improvements: none
Character experience: 3 (+1 toughness)
+Farseer Sai Fhir [Serpent Honesty] 100
Character Improvements: none
Character experience: 1 (+1 toughness, +1 Wounds)
+ Troop +
10 Guardian Defenders: Heavy Weapon Platform (bright lance) 110
Unit Improvements: none
+Warlock Gorash Arith [To Jest Red]: singing spear 40
Character Improvements: none
Character experience: 1
+ Wave Serpent; Holo-fields; Shuriken Cannon 130
Unit/Vehicle Improvements: none
10 Guardian Defenders: Heavy Weapon Platform (shuriken cannon) 105
Unit Improvements: none
+Warlock Avten Tannascurath [Man Spirit Warrior]: singing spear 40
Character Improvements: none
Character experience: 1
+ Wave Serpent; Holo-fields; Shuriken Cannon 130
Unit/Vehicle Improvements: none
9 Dire Avengers: 130
Unit Improvements: Infiltration
+Exarch Siar Angau [Dispersed Fate]: diresword and shuriken pistol; Battle Fortune 45
Character Improvements: none
Character experience: 0
+ Wave Serpent; Brightlance 125
Unit/Vehicle Improvements: none
+ Elite +
5 Wraithguard; D-Scythes: 210
Unit Improvements: none
+ Wave Serpent: 115
Unit/Vehicle Improvements: none
+ Fast Attack +
+ Exarch Novis Eakion Shenestra [Flying Without Redemption] (Crimson Hunter): Marksman's Eye 190
(notera: innehar egentligen inte character regeln)
Crimson Hunter 160
Unit/Vehicle Improvements: none
9 Warp Spiders: 225
Unit Improvements: +1 Save
+ Exarch Sha'eil Iall [Warp Sent] (spinneret rifle; Fast Shot) ~
Character Improvements: none
Character experience: 0 (+1 Wounds)
+ Heavy Support +
Nightspinner; Shuriken Canon; Holo-fields: 140
Unit/Vehicle Improvements: none
Nightspinner; Shuriken Canon : 125
Unit/Vehicle Improvements: none
3 War Walkers: (bright lance; bright lance) 210
Unit/Vehicle Improvements: none
++ Mear Haranshemash [Swift World Of Blood And Tears] (2392 points) ++
++ Mines, unbound ++
++ HQ ++
Autarch Ifeth'salo [Void Teacher]: Mantle of the Laughing God; Eldar jetbike; Banshee mask; fusion gun; Fire Blade 170
Warlord power: Infiltration Specialist
Character Improvements: none
Character experience: 1
Karandras 230
Character Improvements: none
Character experience: 1 (+1 Strength, +1 Toughness)
++ Troops ++
3 Windrider Guardians: shuriken cannon 61
Unit Improvements: none
3 Windrider Guardians: shuriken cannon 61
Unit Improvements: none
6 Windrider Guardians: 2x shuriken cannon 122
Unit Improvements: none
++ Elite ++
4 Harlequins: 4× Harlequin's kiss 84
+ Shadow Seer Uom Cielar [Before Horizons], Harlequin's kiss 51
Character Improvements: none
Character Experience: 0
+ Death Jester Ucan Kion Raibha [Behind With Stillness], Harlequin's kiss 31
Character Improvements: none
Character Experience: 2
Unit Improvements: none
++ Fast Attack ++
9 Swooping Hawks 160
+ Exarch Reu Shelwe [Eight Song-tale], Sunrifle; Night Vision; Hit and Run 45
Character Improvements: none
Character Experience: 3 (+1 Wound, +1 Save)
Unit Improvements: none
Crimson Hunter Exarch 180
Unit/Vehicle Improvements: none
Crimson Hunter 160
Unit/Vehicle Improvements: none
9 Warp Spiders: 225
Unit Improvements: +1 Save
+ Exarch Buanneth Ifeth [Gathering Void] (spinneret rifle; Fast Shot) ~
Character Improvements: none
Character experience: 4 (Preferred Enemy)
++ Heavy Support ++
Wraithknight: scatter laser x2; starcannon 280
Unit Improvements: none
Wraithlord Oiche Eakion Anu [Come Without Following]: Brightlance; Plasma Missile Launcher, Ghostglaive, 2xFlamer 175
Character Improvements: none
Character Experience: 0 (+1 Toughness)
Unit Improvements: none
Wraithlord Lonann Tuisich'novasmair [Battle Phoenix]: Brightlance; Plasma Missile Launcher, Ghostglaive, 2xFlamer 175
Character Improvements: none
Character Experience: 0 (+1 Strength, +1 Toughness)
Unit Improvements: none
3 War Walkers: (Shuriken Cannon; Shuriken Cannon) 180
Unit/Vehicle Improvements: none
+++ Da Smasha Squad (928pts) ++++++ 2500pt Orks (2014) +++
Bank: 1361−(2328−1003) = 36
Income this week: 1300
Upgrades this week:
+ HQ +
* Rugg Facesmash - Warboss
Headwoppa's Killchoppa, shoota, choppa, stikkbombs, 'eavy armour, attack squig, cybork body
Character Improvements: +2I, Infiltrate
Current XP: 7
* Gazboom - Big Mek
Shokk attack gun, choppa, Mek's tools, stikkbombs, 'eavy armour, 1x ammo runt, cyborg body, gitfinda
Character Improvements: +1T
Current XP: 4
* Mad Dok Grotsnik II
slugga, power claw, Dok's tools, 'urty syringe, cyborg body
Character Improvements: -
Current XP: -
* Mek boy
slugga, choppa, Mek's tools, stikkbombs
+ Elites +
* Burna boyz
5x Burna boy
burnas, stikkbombs
Unit improvements: Infiltrate
* Trukk
Big shoota, reinforced ram
+ Troops +
* Boyz
29x Boyz
2x big shoota
* Fnik - Nob
Power Klaw, Bosspole
Character Improvements: -
Current XP: 2
Unit Improvements: +1W
+ Fast Attack +
* Dakkajet
twin-linked supa shoota, flyboss
* Deffkoptas
2x twin-linked rokkit-launcha, choppas
+ Heavy Support +
+++ Da Smasha Squad (2328pts) +++
+++ 2500pt Orks (2014) +++
Upgrades this week: -
+ HQ +
* Boss Nazslag - Warboss
Da Finkin' Kap, shoota, power klaw, stikkbombs, attack squig, bosspole, cybork body, warbike
Character Improvements: -
Current XP: -
* Waagrub - Warphead
Psyker (Mastery Level 2), Wierdboy Staff
Character Improvements: -
Current XP: -
* Waazap - Warphead
Psyker (Mastery Level 2), Wierdboy Staff
Character Improvements: -
Current XP: -
+ Elites +
* Meganobz
2x Meganobz
2x twin-linked shoota, 2x power klaw, mega armour, stikkbombs
* Skabthug - Boss nob
2 killsaws, mega armour, stikkbombs
* Trukk
Rokkit launcha, reinforced ram
* Meganobz
2x Meganobz
2x twin-linked shoota, 2x power klaw, mega armour, stikkbombs
* Rotgob - Boss nob
2 killsaws, mega armour, stikkbombs
* Trukk
Rokkit launcha, reinforced ram
+ Troops +
* Boyz
29x Boyz
sluggas, 3x rokkit launcha
* Snotgor - Nob
Power Klaw, Bosspole
Character Improvements: -
Current XP: -
Unit Improvements: -
* Boyz
29x Boyz
sluggas, 3x rokkit launcha
* Zodwort - Nob
Power Klaw, Bosspole
Character Improvements: -
Current XP: -
Unit Improvements: -
* Boyz
19x Boyz
sluggas, 2x rokkit launcha
* Waaazod - Nob
Power Klaw, Bosspole
Character Improvements: -
Current XP: -
Unit Improvements: -
+ Fast Attack +
* Warikerz
8x Warbiker
Unit Improvements: -
* Dakkarunt Nobteef - Nob
Power Klaw, Bosspole
Character Improvements: -
Current XP: -
* Dakkajet
twin-linked supa shoota, flyboss
* Deffkoptas
5x twin-linked rokkit-launcha, choppas
+ Heavy Support +
killkannon, 4x rokkit launcha, reinforced ram, grot riggers, boarding plank
++ Formations ++
++ Da Vulcha Sqwad ++
+ HQ +
* Boss Zagstruk
Da Vulcha's Klaws, slugga, choppa, 'eavy armour, stikkbombs, cybork body, rokkit pack
Character Improvements: -
Current XP: -
+ Fast Attack +
* Stormboyz
5x Stormboy
sluggas, choppas, stikkbombs, rokkit pack
* Skumlug - Nob
Powerklaw, bosspole, stikkbombs, rokkit pack, slugga
* Stormboyz
5x Stormboy
sluggas, choppas, stikkbombs, rokkit pack
* Mugsnik - Nob
Powerklaw, bosspole, stikkbombs, rokkit pack, slugga
* Stormboyz
6x Stormboy
sluggas, choppas, stikkbombs, rokkit pack
* Skarfang - Nob
Powerklaw, bosspole, stikkbombs, rokkit pack, slugga
Bank: 14
Income this week: 1050
Upgrades this week: Harvesters 233, 601
+++ Division Deathhammer (2500pts) +++
+++ 2500pt Chaos Space Marines: Supplement - Black Legion (2013) +++
+ HQ +
* Lord Osiris - Chaos Lord
Melta bombs, Sigil of corruption, Veterans of the Long War, Plasma Pistol, Spineshiver Blade, Mark of Slaanesh, Skull of Ker'ngar
Character Improvements: -
Current XP:
Warlord Trait: Eye of the Gods (Re-roll Chaos Boons)
* Daedalus - Warpsmith
Aura of dark glory, Bolt Pistol, Power Axe, Veterans of the Long War
Character Improvements: -
Current XP: 1
+ Troops +
* Chaos Cultists
29x Cultists
* Pluto - Cultist Champion
Character Improvements: -
Current XP:
* Chaos Space Marines
4x Chaos Space Marine, Plasma Gun, Veteran of the long war
Mors - Aspiring Champion
Bolt Pistol, Bolter, Power Fist
Character Improvements: -
Current XP:
* Chaos Rhino
Combi-bolter, Havoc Launcher, Warpflame gargoyles, Searchlight, Smoke launchers
* Noise Marines
Noise Marine w/ Blastmaster (47pts), 3x Noise Marine w/ Bolter, Veteran of The Long War
* Bruce - Noise Champion
Bolt Pistol, CCW, Doom Siren, Melta Bombs
Character Improvements: -
Current XP:
* Chaos Rhino
Combi-bolter, Havoc Launcher, Warpflame gargoyles, Searchlight, Smoke launchers
+ Elites +
* Chaos Terminators
4x Chaos Terminators, Veteran of the Long War, 2x Pair of Lightning Claws, Combi-melta
* Morgus - Terminator Champion (40pts)
Combi-melta, Power Axe
Character Improvements: -
Current XP:
* The Dragon - Chaos Land Raider
Destroyer blades, Dirge Caster, Extra armor, Havoc launcher, Warpflame gargoyles, Dozer Blades
* Chaos Decimator Daemon Engine
Siege Claw w. Built in Heavy Flamers, Butcher Cannon, Mark of Slaanesh, Searchlight
+ Fast Attack +
* Chaos Bikers
4x Chaos Biker, 2x Meltagun, Mark of Nurgle, Veteran of the Long War
* Shingon - Chaos Biker Champion
Bolt Pistol, Power Fist
Character Improvements: -
Current XP:
* Heldrake
* Raptors
2x Meltagun, 4x Raptor, Veteran of the long war
* Mael - Raptor Champion
Bolt Pistol, CCW, Melta Bombs
+ Heavy Support +
* Chaos Predator
Lascannons, Twin-Linked Lascannon, Warpflame gargoyles
* Obliterators
Mark of Nurgle, 3x Obliterator, Veteran of The Long War
* Maulerfiend
Magma Cutters
+++ Division Slaughter (1900pts) +++
+++ 2500pt Chaos Space Marines: Supplement - Black Legion (2013) v1 Roster (Primary Detachment)) +++
+ HQ +
* Lord Morgoth - Chaos Lord
Melta bombs, Sigil of corruption, Veterans of the Long War Bolt Pistol, Power Weapon
Character Improvements: -
Current XP:
Warlord Trait:
* Blastbeast Madgristle (DHAB'LAECHZF'FA) - Daemon Prince
Veterans of the Long War, Gift of mutation, 3x Mastery Level (become Psyker), Nurgle, Power Armour, Spell familiar, Wings
Character Improvements: -
Current XP:
+ Troops +
* Chaos Cultists
14x Cultists
* Blue - Cultist Champion
Character Improvements: -
Current XP:
* Chosen
7x Chosen, 2x Replace boltgun w/ Meltagun, Veterans of the Long War
* T'arr - Chosen Champion
Bolt Pistol, Bolter, Melta Bomb, Power Maul
Character Improvements: -
Current XP:
* Chaos Rhino
Combi-bolter, Havoc Launcher, Searchlight, Smoke launchers, Warpflame gargoyles
+ Elites +
* Chaos Terminators
Veteran of the Long War
4 Terminator, 4x Combi-melta, 4x Power Axe
* Red - Terminator Champion
Combi-melta, Power Axe
Character Improvements: -
Current XP:
* Chaos Land Raider
Dirge Caster, Extra armor, Havoc launcher, Warpflame gargoyles, Dozer Blades
+ Fast Attack +
* Heldrake
+ Heavy Support +
* Chaos Predator
Lascannons, Twin-Linked Lascannon, Warpflame gargoyles
* Maulerfiend
Magma cutters
* Obliterators
Mark of Nurgle, 3x Obliterator, Veteran of The Long War
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